Lost the buzz for your business?
Starting a business is exciting. Succeeding is rewarding. The bit between is hard, repetitive, and full of self-doubt.
The Lonely Middle Club helps you through it.

Get support and advice from other small business owners
Remove the self-doubt that’s holding your business back
Learn techniques and strategies to grow your business faster
Be inspired with our exclusive ‘swipe’ file and AI-powered tools
No pressure – work at YOUR pace, towards YOUR goals
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Are You Stuck In The Lonely Middle?
Every business is started based on hopes, dreams, and a lot of excitement. And when your business succeeds it’s incredibly satisfying and rewarding.
But there’s a bit between these two points that few people talk about. It’s a period that can last weeks but usually lasts months, years, or even decades.
It’s a time full of hard work, repetitive tasks and lots of self-doubt. We call it The Lonely Middle and it’s tough… really tough.
In fact, it’s one of the reasons why 60% of businesses fail in the first 3 years.
The Lonely Middle wears you down. You try things but your failures outweigh your successes. You become demotivated and it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain your belief that you WILL succeed in the end.
8 Common Symptoms
Of The Lonely Middle
Imposter Syndrome or Self-Doubt
Shiny Object Syndrome (SOS)
Lack of Focus or Wrong Priorities
Inability to Delegate Effectively
Sticking in Your Comfort Zone
Anxiety & Worry
Introducing The S.K.I. System…
You may have many of the symptoms or only one. You may experience them constantly or only occasionally. But the truth is, almost ALL successful business owners go through The Lonely Middle at some point.
I have.
I’ve quit and closed businesses because The Lonely Middle got the better of me.
I’ve also had businesses where I’ve pushed through The Lonely Middle and overcome the symptoms that were holding me back until I reached the point I considered my business a success.
But, by no means do I consider myself an expert at conquering The Lonely Middle.
If you’re expecting lots of guides that tell you exactly how I succeeded and how you should too, you’re in the wrong place. The Lonely Middle Club isn’t a ‘one-size-fits-all’, ‘guru-led’, ‘follow me and I’ll fix all your problems’ kind of a place.
But what I can give you, based on what I’ve found helpful in my business journey, is our S.K.I. system.
S.K.I. stands for Support, Knowledge, and Inspiration – the three core things you’ll need to get through The Lonely Middle faster, with less friction.

Paul, Creator of The Lonely Middle Club
Here’s how The Lonely Middle Club delivers in these three areas:
Private Members-Only Facebook Group
Talk to other entrepreneurs going through the same trials and tribulations as you.
Get help when you need it, support when you need it, and a kick up the backside when you need it from our private group on Facebook.
Buzzly – The AI Business Growth Coach
When you just need answers fast, Buzzly is there to give you instant answers and advice.
He’s been manually trained by the Startup Hive team on 833 of the very best articles available to give you actionable advice on growing your business.
The Entire ‘Grow’ Phase of Startup Hive
Exclusive to members of The Lonely Middle Club, the ‘Grow’ phase of our step-by-step platform focuses on a proven framework for growing any type of business.
It will help you ensure you’re working on the right things, at the right time.
Marketing Masterclasses
I’ve developed marketing plans for leading supermarkets, helped grow startups to companies employing 100+ people, and used online marketing to turn several of my own businesses into successful operations.
My marketing masterclasses have real, actionable tips condensed into easy-to-follow short videos.
Marketing Swipe File
One of the best ways to generate new ideas is to take inspiration from the work of others.
Our regularly updated marketing swipe file showcases the best social media posts, adverts, website copy and more. Swipe files are an often underused but powerful way to motivate and inspire.
AI Content Generation Tools
We don’t believe AI should ever replace human input, but it absolutely should be used to help you create new content.
The Lonely Middle Club comes with access to 114 powerful AI tools, from content improvers and headline writers through to marketing plan creation tools.
Generate content ideas and copy up to 10 times every day.
Plus 51 FREE Guides, Worksheets & Journals
In addition to all of the regularly updated content, when you join The Lonely Middle Club you’ll be able to instantly download a whole host of helpful PDFs.
Each one is designed to help you overcome the 8 common symptoms of The Lonely Middle.

FREE to Download:
The Business Success Planner Workbook
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome eBook
30-Day imposter Syndrome Journal
7 x Entrepreneur Mindset Worksheets
Boosting Productivity eBook
Productivity for Success Journal
7 x Productivity Worksheets
Goal Commitment Contract
The Introverted Business Owner’s Journal
Unleash Your Inner Leader Workbook
11 x Business Growth & Development Worksheets
17 x Professional Development Worksheets
The Growth Mindset Workbook
Is The Lonely Middle Club Right For You?

The Lonely Middle Club isn’t about big, unachievable dreams. Big dreams can actually be destructive when all you are trying to do is make your business stand on its own two feet.
The Lonely Middle Club isn’t about working harder. A good business idea should never need you to work ridiculously long hours just to break even. We encourage working smarter, not harder.
The Lonely Middle Club is about moving at your own pace. It’s about achieving the goals that are important to you, even if you simply want to earn a living, not a fortune.
Above all, The Lonely Middle Club is about joining people who are experiencing the EXACT same worries, problems and challenges as you.
It’s about talking to like-minded people who have been through what you’re going through and who are there to support you until you reach your version of success.
It’s about utilising the support, knowledge and inspiration you need to make sure your business becomes a success story rather than another failure statistic.
Join Now:
The Lonely Middle Club
£5 / mo
Everything you need to get through ‘The Lonely Middle’:
The Entire Grow Phase
13 Further Steps To Follow
S.K.I System
Members-Only Facebook Group
Buzzly – The AI Business Coach
Marketing Masterclasses
Marketing Swipe File
114 AI Content Generation Tools
Downloadable PDF eBooks, Worksheets & Journals (Free Bonus)
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
If you join The Lonely Middle Club and are not 100% satisfied in the first 30 days, we’ll refund the entire amount you’ve paid with no questions asked – guaranteed.
Members Price Lock Guarantee
We value our existing members. The price you pay today is the price you’ll always pay until you cancel. Existing members are immune from price increases – you’ll never get it cheaper than today!
The Lonely Middle is usually the longest part of any business journey. It starts once the initial excitement of starting your business has worn off and lasts until you’ve achieved success (however you define it). It’s a difficult and often long period that’s full of self-doubt and repetitive tasks.
The Lonely Middle Club is a support network of like-minded entrepreneurs who are also experiencing their own battle with The Lonely Middle. Joining the club gives you access to a private Facebook group for paying members only, as well as an online platform full of support, knowledge and inspiration to help you get through The Lonely Middle faster.
Absolutely. In fact, The Lonely Middle Club was made for people who dream of earning a living, not a fortune. We believe that being told to ‘dream big’ can be counter-productive when all you’re trying to do is run a successful business. We focus on helping you get to wherever you want to be.
The Lonely Middle Club can be accessed entirely online. The only things you might want to download are the free bonus PDF guides, worksheets and journals.
While we cannot guarantee compatibility with all of the wide range of devices available, we’ve designed The Lonely Middle Club so that it can be used on most desktops, tablets, and mobile devices, so you always have it to hand.
Absolutely not. The Lonely Middle Club is charged monthly but you can cancel at any time and no further payments will be taken.
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